Tuesday, February 21, 2017

O glutão vai ou não vai pro inferno? (parte 2)

No min 33 o pastor cita 1 Coríntios 10:31 fora de contexto e afirma que a ênfase do versículo está na comida.

"Portanto, quer comais quer bebais, ou façais outra qualquer coisa, fazei tudo para glória de Deus."
1 Coríntios 10:31

"Whether therefore ye eat, or drink, or whatsoever ye do, do all to the glory of God."
1 Corínthios 10:31

Pra descartar essa interpretação basta ler o capítulo 10 inteiro e fica claro que se trata de:
1 Coríntios 10:1-11 Paulo explica aos Coríntios que os acontecimentos do povo de Israel no deserto durante os dias de Moisés servem de aviso para o julgamento de deus sobre os crentes. Paulo avisa que devemos nos atentar para não cometermos os mesmos erros que eles cometeram.

1 Coríntios 10:12-28 Paulo explica que a santa ceia do pão e do vinho é um tipo de associação com cristo de forma semelhante que as ofertas de alimentos dos gentios são associações com demônios. De modo que o cristão, que obviamente não deve se associar com demônios oi ídolos, também não deve comer de comida ofertada a demônios ou ídolos.

1 Coríntios 10:29-33 Paulo explica aos Coríntios que o cristão tem liberdade de comer o que quiser, (me refiro a qualidade da comida e não a quantidade) em contraste com a limitação da lei judaica, mas que essa liberdade na comida e bebida deve ser limitada pelo bom senso com relação aos efeitos nos outros. Se comer algo ofende ao seu semelhante é melhor não comer aquilo, por motivo de consciência, para que o seu semelhante não seja prejudicado na interpretação do evangélio, por causa que se admirou do pregador comer isso ou aquilo. Não coloquemos a salvação de nosso semelhante em risco por causa de comida.(ver 33.) O evangélio é a prioridade.
(Minha explicação superficial, para facilitar o entendimento da ideia geral do capítulo.)

No minuto 34 o pastor tenta colocar comida e bebida acima de vida santa e adoração como se a passagem se referisse a Paulo priorizando comida e bebida a adoração e vida santa. Um absurdo.

No minuto 35 o pastor comenta de exemplos de pastores e esposas que perderam peso porque passaram a se disciplinar mais com relação à comida. Acredito que essa foi a parte boa dessa parte da mensagem. Mas se eles se contiveram com medo de irem para o inferno por comer já não sei se é algo bom.

A pregação dessa parte termina com algumas piadas sem importância.

Então o glutão vai ou não vai pro inferno?
Não temos como saber com certeza. Eu particularmente acredito que o que meramente come em excesso não, mas que talvez aquele que come até vomitar pra comer de novo, talvez. Deus é quem sabe quem vai e quem não vai. Mas na dúvida tenhamos o bom senso de evitar os excessos extravagantes na comida.

O estudo é importante, mas a humildade e o espírito santo são mais.
Acredito que o estudo aprofundado das escritura é muito importante para o entendimento teológico, mas também creio que acima dos estudos está a direção do Espírito Santo que nos ensina e nos guia quando temos a humildades de nos submeter (e submeter nossas dúvidas) a Ele.

Motivação do estudo.
Escrevo esse pequeno estudo em primeiro lugar para mim mesmo, pra toda vez que alguém falar esse absurdo que "quem come em excesso vai para o inferno" eu possa reler e evitar preocupações desnecessárias. Se o estudo te serviu e abençoou agradeça a Deus. Porque Deus não tem servo só na televisão, mas misturados pelo povo, como eu e você.

Minha opinião sobre o pastor Silas Malafaia.
Também quero manifestar que creio até o momento que o pastor Silas Malafaia é servo de Deus e que já fui abençoado por muitas pregações dele, mas no caso dessa mensagem me senti obrigado a comentar meu entendimento divergente.

Para ler a parte 1:
O glutão vai ou não vai pro inferno? (parte 1)

Sunday, February 19, 2017

O glutão vai ou não vai pro inferno? (parte 1)

Estava assistindo uma pregação do Pastor Silas Malafaia, mas
estranhei algumas colocações sobre a glutornaria e resolvi pesquisar os versículos mais a fundo.

O erro que veremos se escalonar na pregação do pastor é do tipo de erros que se escalonam de traduções e interpretações em uma única versão da bíblia em um único idioma. Como todos deveriam saber a bíblia é um conjunto de livros antigos montado a partir de textos e fragmentos de traduções que sobreviveram. Isso faz com que existam manuscritos divergentes, normalmente em pequenos detalhes. Além disso traduzir uma livro antigo significa descobrir o que certas palavras significavam no idioma do manuscrito na época em que o manuscrito foi escrito, o que por vezes se mostra muito difícil e passivo de dúvidas, de forma que uma palavra pode significar por vezes mais de uma coisa por não se saber ao certo que uso ela tinha na época. Para entender o uso de uma palavra na bíblia a comparação mais usada é comparar com a mesma palavra do idioma mais antigo em outras passagens bíblicas e verificar se a palavra em questão faz sentido de ser traduzida como se supõe.

Mas voltamos a pregação do pastor.

A partir do minuto 28 do vídeo o pastor define glutonaria como simplesmente comer em excesso, conforme o dicionário Aurélio Português.
glutonaria: Qualidade ou vício de glutão.
glutão: Que ou aquele que come com avidez e em excesso. = COMILÃO, GULOSO

O problema é que na bíblia esta palavra veio de várias palavras gregas diferentes em contextos diferentes e pode significar desde comer em excesso até a prática de orgias. Uma palavra em inglês que aparece na bíblia King James como a correspondente a glutonaria é a palavra "revillings" que num dicionário de estudo bíblico online é traduzida por:
"Excessive and boisterous intemperance and lustful indulgence."
O que em português fica algo como:
"Excessiva e turbulenta intemperança e indulgência luxuriosa."
Veja: http://www.biblestudytools.com/dictionary/revellings/

O Pastor cita Colossenses 3.5 em uma versão/tradução que traz Glutonaria ao inves de afeição desordenada ou paixão.
"Mortificai, pois, os vossos membros, que estão sobre a terra: a fornicação, a impureza, o afeição desordenada (glutonaria), a vil concupiscência, e a avareza, que é idolatria;"
Colossenses 3:5
Mortify therefore your members which are upon the earth; fornication, uncleanness, inordinate affection, evil concupiscence, and covetousness, which is idolatry:
Colossenses 3:5
"Mortify therefore your members which are upon the earth; fornication, uncleanness, inordinate affection, evil concupiscence, and covetousness, which is idolatry:"
Colossenses 3:5

Em Colossenses 3.5 a palavra chave é πάθος (patos), que normalmente é traduzida por passion ou paixão e se refere a apetite sexual e não à glutonaria. 
Veja mais em: http://biblehub.com/interlinear/colossians/3-5.htm

Depois o pastor (próximo a 28m.00s) cita Lucas 21:34.
"E olhai por vós, não aconteça que os vossos corações se carreguem de glutonaria, de embriaguez, e dos cuidados da vida, e venha sobre vós de improviso aquele dia."
Lucas 21:34

"And take heed to yourselves, lest at any time your hearts be overcharged with surfeiting, and drunkenness, and cares of this life, and {so} that day come upon you unawares."
Luke 21:34

Em Lucas 21.34 a palavra chave é κραιπάλῃ (kraipali) que parece ser glutonaria mesmo. Aversão alemã luther de 1445 traz "Fressen" = glutonaria.
Lucas 21:34
Lucas 21:34
Além de glutonaria fazer sentido com o texto por estar ligado ao peso ou sobrecarga "βαρηθῶσιν" (Barithosin) do coração (mente) com a bebedeira "μέθῃ" (meti).
Mas o sentido do texto, pelo que entendo é mais ou menos assim: "Cuidado p
ara não ficarem distraídos com comidas e bebidas e as coisas da vida porque o dia (do arrebatamento) pode chegar de repente." O que condiz com a pregação em Mateus 6:31-26

Por isso vos digo: Não andeis cuidadosos quanto à vossa vida, pelo que haveis de comer ou pelo que haveis de beber; nem quanto ao vosso corpo, pelo que haveis de vestir. Não é a vida mais do que o mantimento, e o corpo mais do que o vestuário?
Olhai para as aves do céu, que nem semeiam, nem segam, nem ajuntam em celeiros; e vosso Pai celestial as alimenta. Não tendes vós muito mais valor do que elas?
Mateus 6:25,26
"Por isso vos digo: Não andeis cuidadosos quanto à vossa vida, pelo que haveis de comer ou pelo que haveis de beber; nem quanto ao vosso corpo, pelo que haveis de vestir. Não é a vida mais do que o mantimento, e o corpo mais do que o vestuário?
Olhai para as aves do céu, que nem semeiam, nem segam, nem ajuntam em celeiros; e vosso Pai celestial as alimenta. Não tendes vós muito mais valor do que elas?
" Mateus 6:25,26

"Therefore I say unto you, Take no thought for your life, what ye shall eat, or what ye shall drink; nor yet for your body, what ye shall put on. Is not the life more than meat, and the body than raiment?
Behold the fowls of the air: for they sow not, neither do they reap, nor gather into barns; yet your heavenly Father feedeth them. Are ye not much better than they
? Matheus 6:25,26 KJB

O pastor (próximo a 28m.00s) afirma que o texto diz que o glutão não vai subir no dia do arrebatamento, quando eu entendo do texto que se refira ao desatento e distraído e fixado em coisas materiais que pode não subir.

Na sequencia é citado Gálatas 5:19-21
"Porque as obras da carne são manifestas, as quais são: adultério, fornicação, impureza, lascívia,
Idolatria, feitiçaria, inimizades, porfias, emulações, iras, pelejas, dissensões, heresias,
Invejas, homicídios, bebedices, glutonarias (ou orgias), e coisas semelhantes a estas, acerca das quais vos declaro, como já antes vos disse, que os que cometem tais coisas não herdarão o reino de Deus.
Gálatas 5:19-21 ACF

"Now the works of the flesh are manifest, which are {these}; Adultery, fornication, uncleanness, lasciviousness,
Idolatry, witchcraft, hatred, variance, emulations, wrath, strife, seditions, heresies,
Envyings, murders, drunkenness, revellings, and such like: of the which I tell you before, as I have also told {you} in time past, that they which do such things shall not inherit the kingdom of God.
Galatians 5:19-21 KJV

Em gálatas a palavra chave de difícil tradução é κῶμοι (komoi) que pode se referir a glutonaria numa festa ou possivelmente à orgias. É a traduzida como revelling na King James, que expliquei mais acima.
As traduções mais recentes trazem Orgias.
Veja mais em: https://www.gotquestions.org/revellings.html

Palavra semelhante aparece em: 1 Peter 4:3
GRK: ἐπιθυμίαις οἰνοφλυγίαις κώμοις πότοις καὶ
NAS: drunkenness, carousing, drinking parties
KJV: excess of wine, revellings, banquetings,
INT: lusts wine-drinking revels drinkings and ...

Acredito que o sentido Gálatas 5:19-21 é traçar uma linha bem clara entre comportamentos cristãos e não cristãos associando normalmente o comportamento desenfreado ao não cristão enquanto o cristão tem características nobres e contidas. Neste contexto a glutonaria cabe bem e assusta pensar que temos que nos controlar sim com os alimentos. Mas temos de levar em conta que pode se tratar das orgias.

Se observarmos a sequencia do texto em gálatas:

"Mas o fruto do Espírito é: amor, gozo (alegria), paz, longanimidade, benignidade, bondade, fé, mansidão, temperança (domínio próprio). Contra estas coisas não há lei. E os que são de Cristo crucificaram a carne com as suas paixões e concupiscências. Se vivemos em Espírito, andemos também em Espírito."
Gálatas 5:22-25

"But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, Meekness, temperance: against such there is no law. And they that are Christ's have crucified the flesh with the affections and lusts. {affections: or, passions} If we live in the Spirit, let us also walk in the Spirit."
Galatians 5:22-25

Vemos que o texto trata de andar na carne ou no espírito o que também pode incluir sim a glutonaria. Acredito que não se trata de assustar os que estão acima do peso, mas lembrar da tendência espiritual que nossas vidas devem ter em contraste com a vida carnal e mundana que o não cristão leva.

O pastor afirma que o glutão vai para o inferno.

Em 32m.28s o pastor afirma que glutão (no sentido de quem come em excesso) vai pro inferno e em 32m.56s ele afirma que usa exegese e interpretação do texto dentro do princípio da hermenêutica, a ciência da interpretação, e que não está forçando o texto.
Por mais que eu respeite muito o trabalho do pastor Malafaia e acredite que o pastor tem boas intenções e tenta interpretar o texto a seu entendimento, não posso deixar de lembrar que antes de fazer uma afirmação teológica como essa "que o glutão vai pro inferno" devemos estudar os textos e não nos limitar a uma única versão ou tradução da bíblia.

O que o pastor faz é se limitar a uma verão da bíblia em português e basear todo seu estudo nela. Lamento informar que isso não é suficiente para fazer uma afirmação teológica e que algumas palavras da bíblia e versículos são de tradução difícil. Somente com a comparação de traduções, do estudo do idioma mais antigo de onde vem essas traduções (neste caso o grego), das principais versões de manuscritos disponíveis é possível, talvez, afirmar algo. Por vezes algumas passagens são obscuras e não dão base para nada por si só. Tenhamos a humildade de admitir quando não é possível saber do que se trata o versículo ou a palavra e evitaremos falar absurdos e bobagens teológicas.

Para continuar lendo a parte 2.
O glutão vai ou não vai pro inferno? (parte 2)

Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Understanding 1st Cor. 15.29-31 - baptized for the dead

Understanding 1st Cor. 15.29-31

"29. Else what shall they do which are baptized for the dead, if the dead rise not at all?
Why are they then baptized for the dead?
30. And why stand we in jeopardy every hour?
31. I protest by your rejoicing which I have in Christ Jesus our Lord, I die daily. {your: some read, our}"
1 Cor 15:29-31 KJV
Source: https://www.bibliaonline.com.br/kjv+receptus/1co/15

I was meditating in this difficult passage concerned that in might mean that somehow we should baptize in favor of our loved ones that are already dead. But this would make no sense according to the biblical doctrine of baptism and all the things about it that our Lord have already confirmed to us, so I prayed to the Lord our God for understanding on this passage and searched about the Greek text behind it.
I noticed that the versions differ a small thing on text, but nothing really on meaning, and tend to two Greek texts as follows:

RP Byzantine Majority Text 2005
Greek Orthodox Church 1904
Scrivener's Textus Receptus 1894
Stephanus Textus Receptus 1550  
  Ἐπεὶ τί ποιήσουσιν οἱ βαπτιζόμενοι ὑπὲρ τῶν νεκρῶν; Εἰ ὅλως νεκροὶ οὐκ ἐγείρονται, τί καὶ βαπτίζονται ὑπὲρ τῶν νεκρῶν;

Westcott and Hort 1881
Tischendorf 8th Edition
Nestle GNT 1904  
 Ἐπεὶ τί ποιήσουσιν οἱ βαπτιζόμενοι ὑπὲρ τῶν νεκρῶν; εἰ ὅλως νεκροὶ οὐκ ἐγείρονται, τί καὶ βαπτίζονται ὑπὲρ αὐτῶν;

Both texts refers to the same meaning of the baptism for the dead.

So the main problem was to understand the meaning of the expression "hiper ton" ὑπὲρ τῶν that presided the word for "dead" νεκρῶν in the "for the dead part".

In order to know that I searched in
and could see that the expression "hiper ton" ὑπὲρ τῶν can mean also:
"for, above, more than, on behalf of, for the sake of"

But this only confirmed that the translation of the Greek text was right.
It is really written that on the Greek versions we have, so in order to understand its meaning
we need to see that in verse 31 Paul uses a figurative meaning of death: " I die daily " he says.
So the death he is talking about in 1st Cor 15.29 must have a figurative meaning too and to understand that meaning we must look at another Paul letter.

"3. Know ye not, that so many of us as were baptized into Jesus Christ were baptized into his death? {were: or, are}
4. Therefore we are buried with him by baptism into death: that like as Christ was raised up from the dead by the glory of the Father, even so we also should walk in newness of life.
5. For if we have been planted together in the likeness of his death, we shall be also {in the likeness} of {his} resurrection:
6. Knowing this, that our old man is crucified with {him}, that the body of sin might be destroyed, that henceforth we should not serve sin.
7. For he that is dead is freed from sin. {freed: Gr. justified}
8. Now if we be dead with Christ, we believe that we shall also live with him:"
Rom 6:3-8 KJV
Source: https://www.bibliaonline.com.br/kjv+receptus/rm/6

This is the figurative meaning! In 1st Cor. 15 Paul is reminding the Corinthians that it is very important to believe in the resurrection from the dead because that's our big hope, to be one day resurrected with Jesus Christ!
So when he says something close to "So why are they baptized for the dead, if the dead rise not at all?"
He is referring to the meaning of baptism that the Corinthians should know. The baptism meaning a death for the old life as a sinner and a new birth to the new life as a follower of Jesus Christ.

Thank you Lord God for this clarification that you gave us. It may be a simple matter for some, but it was a difficult text for me and by posting this explanation I hope some of our brother can also be blessed with the understanding of this verse.


Tuesday, July 7, 2015

The Assumptiom of Moses book Restored from Quotations of the Early Writters - english

The Assumptiom of Moses book Restored from Quotations of the Early Writters - english

This is a post about the Assumption of Moses lost Book.

In the book called Assumption of Moses translated
from Latin to English by R.H.Charles 1897, Charles teaches us that the latin book with some other latin fragments were actually part of another book that should be called Testament of Moses and that is some point in the history of the book some editor attemped to put the Testament of Moses with the parts of the real Assumption of Moses together in the same book, but that the latin versions that survived to our era contained only the first part corresponding to the majority of the Testament of Moses book. (You can find this great work at archive.org)
But in these great work, Mr. Charles put toguether quotations from ancient writers about the real book of assumption of moses. Unfortunately he didn't translated to english this quotation in order to make an inteligeble version for english readers. So in this post I intend to put toguether this quotations that Mr. Charles separated, but also with the english translations.

The original Assumption, according to R.H.Charles,
was probably as follows:
"I. Michael is commissioned to bury Moses;
II. Satan opposes his burial, and that on two grounds:
(a) First, he claims to be the lord of matter
(hence the body rightfully should be handed over to him).
To this claim Michael rejoins:
The Lord rebuke thee, for it was God's Spirit that created the world and all mankind.
(Hence not Satan, but God was the Lord of matter.)
(b) Secondly, Satan brings the charge of murder against Moses.
(The answer to this charge is wanting.)
III. Having rebutted Satan's accusations, Michael then proceeds to charge
Satan with having inspired the serpent to tempt Adam and Eve.

IV. Finally, all opposition having been overcome, the Assumption takes place
in the presence of Joshua and Caleb, and in a very peculiar way.
A twofold presentation of Moses appears: one is Moses "living in the spirit,"
which is carried up to heaven; the other is the dead body of Moses,
which is buried in the recesses of the mountains.
This sketch is founded, as we have observed, on quotations and references
occurring in St. Jude and subsequent writers. "
(Assumption of Moses to English by R.H.Charles 1897.)

(Jude 1.9)
"9 But when the archangel Michael, contending with the devil, was disputing about the body of Moses, he did not presume to pronounce a blasphemous judgment, but said, “The Lord rebuke you.”"

(Adumbrat. in Ep. Judae (Zahn's Supplementum Clementinum, p. 84).
(Search archive.org for this book.)
"v.9 Maiestatem inquit blasphemant, hoc est angelos.
Quando Michael archangelus cum diabolo disputans altercabatur de corpore Moysi.
Hie confirmat assumtionem Moysi).
Michael autem hie dieitur, qui per propinquum nobis angelum altercabatur cum diabolo."

(Zahn's Supplementum Clementinum, p. 84 - to English)
"v.9 Majesty says blaspheme, this is an angel.
When Michael the archangel, disputing with the devil about the body of Moses engaged in altercation.
This confirms the assumption of Moses.
Michael, however, in this day, who are near, becomes by means of the angel of the engaged in altercation (quarrel) with the devil.

(Clement of Alexandria, Stromata Book 6, Chapter 15)
"Rightly, therefore, Jesus the son of Nave saw Moses, when taken up [to heaven], double, -- one Moses with the angels, and one on the mountains, honoured with burial in their ravines. And Jesus saw this spectacle below, being elevated by the Spirit, along also with Caleb. 
But both do not see similarly But the one descended with greater speed, as if the weight he carried was great; while the other, on descending after him, subsequently related the glory which he beheld, being able to perceive more than the other as having grown purer; ..."

(Origen. The Principiis Book 3 Chapter 2 v.1 )
"And in the first place, in the book of Genesis, the serpent is described as having seduced Eve; regarding whom, in the work entitled The Ascension of Moses (a little treatise, of which the Apostle Jude makes mention in his Epistle), the archangel Michael, when disputing with the devil regarding the body of Moses, says that the serpent, being inspired by the devil, was the cause of Adam and Eve's transgression."

(Origen. In Josuam horn. II. 1 (Lommatzsch, xi. 22.) ( I cold not locate this book.)
"Denique et in libello quodam, licet in canone non habeatur,
mysterii tamen hujus figura describitur.
Refertur enim quia duo Moses videbantur,
unus vivus in spiritu, alius mortuus in corpore.
In quo hoc est nimirum quod adumbratur, quia si intuearis literam legis
inanem et vacuam ab iis omnibus quae superius memoravimus,
ipse est Moses mortuus in corpore.
Si vero potes removere legis velamen, et intelligere, quia lex spiritualis est, iste est Moses,
qui vivit in spiritu."

(Origen. In Josuam horn. II. 1)
(My attempt to translate to English with the help of electronic dictionary.)

"Finally, in some (book), although not considered canon,
However, this figurative mystery is described:
The question was that we actually have two Moses,
One was captured alive in spirit, another (was) dead in flesh.
There is no doubt of that.
That foreshadows (means) that, If you look at the letter of the law
they are empty (of real mening) as mentioned above,
This is the dead Moses in the flesh.
If you can remove the veil, and understand, that the law is spiritual, this is the Moses,
who lives in the spirit.

(Didymus Alex.(309-394).In Epist. Judae Enarratio (Gallandi, Bibliotheca Patrum, vi. 307).
(I could not find the book.)

"Adversarii hujus contemplationis praescribunt praesenti
epistolae et Moyseos Assumptioni
propter eum locum ubi significatur verbum
Archangeli de corpore Moyseos ad diabolum factuni."

(My attempt to translate to English with the help of electronic dictionary.)
"Opponents of this moment of contemplation quote
The Epistle of the Assumption of Moses

in the place that the text says
that the Archengel had a disavence 

with the devil about the body of Moses."

(Letter of Evodus to Augostine. Letter 158, A.D. 414.)
"... and as to Moses, whose body was buried, it is plain from the gospel narrative that he came in the body to the Lord on the mountain to which He and His disciples had retired. Matthew 17:3 In the Apocrypha, and in the Mysteries of Moses, a writing which is wholly devoid of authority, it is indeed said that, at the time when he ascended the mount to die, through the power which his body possessed, there was one body which was committed to the earth, and another which was joined to the angel who accompanied him;"

(A Translation from the Greek to English of the text
of the Book of J. A. Cramer,
Catena in Epistolas Catholicas, 1844, page 163, quoting
Severus of Antioch.)
"When Moses died on the mount, Michael was sent to remove the
body. When the devil slandered Moses and proclaimed him a murderer
because he smote the Egyptian, the angel, not tolerating the slander against him,
said to the devil, May God rebuke thee!"

Sunday, May 24, 2015

A resume of the Similitudes of the Shepherd of Hermas Book (part 9)

A resume of the Similitudes of the Shepherd of Hermas Book (part 9)

Tenth Similitude

The Angel Shepherd of Hermas is the Angel of Repentance.

"1. AFTER I had written out this book, the Angel which had delivered me
to the Shepherd came into the house where I was,
and sat down upon the couch; and the Shepherd stood on the right hand.
Then he called me and spake thus to me.
2. I have delivered thee and thine house, quoth he, 
to this Shepherd that thou mayest be protected by him. 
Yea, sir, quoth I. 
If therefore, quoth he, thou wilt be protected from all vexation and all harshness,
and have success in every good work and word and every virtue of righteousness, 
walk in his commandments which I have given unto thee; 
and thou shalt be able to have the mastery over all wickedness. 
3. For while thou keepest his commandments every lust and delight of this world 
shall be subject unto thee, and success in every good thing shall follow thee. 
Take his gravity and modesty upon thee; and say unto all, 
that he (The Angel Shepherd) is in great honour and dignity with the Lord; 
and that he is set in great authority, and powerful in his office. 
To him alone is the power of repentance committed in all the world. 
Seemeth he not to thee to be powerful? 
Yet ye contemn his gravity and the respect which he hath toward you."  
(Shepherd of Hermas 10th Sim 1.1-3)

Hermas has a ministry to proclaim the mighty acts of the Lord calling people to repentance.

"3. I for my part, sir, quoth I, proclaim to every man the mighty acts of the Lord;
for I trust that all who have sinned beforetime, if they hear these things,
will repent with a willing mind and recover life.

4. Continue stedfast therefore, quoth he, in this ministry, and accomplish it."   
(Shepherd of Hermas 10th Sim 2.3,4)

"1. THEN he said to me, Quit thee manfully in this ministry,
rehearse unto every man the mighty acts of the Lord,
and thou shalt find favour in this ministry.
Whoso walketh in these commandments shall live and be happy in his life;
but whoso disregardeth them shall not live, and he shall be unhappy in his life. "
(Shepherd of Hermas 10th Sim 4.1)

Without the virgins that represent the Holy Spirit and its fruits it´s impossible to keep the commandments.

"...for without these virgins (Holy Spirit) it is impossible that
these commandments should be kept."    
(Shepherd of Hermas 10th Sim 3.1)

"...If therefore they find thine house pure they will abide with thee,..."
(Shepherd of Hermas 10th Sim 3.2)

"5. When he had thus spoken, he delivered me again to the Shepherd,
and called the virgins and said unto them,
Forasmuch as I perceive that ye gladly dwell in this man's house,
I commit him and his house unto you, to the intent that ye may never at all
depart from his house.
And they willingly heard these words." 
(Shepherd of Hermas 10th Sim 3.5)

Do good deeds. Help someone else to be free from affliction.

"... Now I say that every man ought to be delivered from distresses.
For he who hath need and suffereth distresses in his daily life is
in great anguish and necessity.

3. Whoso therefore rescueth the soul of such an one from straitness getteth
great joy to himself
; for he who is afflicted with this manner of distress
is racked and tormenteth himself with the like torment as one who is in bonds.
Many indeed because of such miseries, which they are not able to bear,
bring death upon themselves.
He who knoweth therefore the calamity of such an one and delivereth him not
committeth a great sin and is guilty of his blood.

4. Do good works therefore, ye who have received from the Lord,
lest while ye delay to do them the building of the tower be finished;
for for your sakes the work of the building of it hath been delayed.
Except then ye make haste to do aright, the tower shall be finished and
ye shall be shut out."
(Shepherd of Hermas 10th Sim 4.2-4)

End of The Book of Hermas.

A resume of the Similitudes of the Shepherd of Hermas Book (part 8)

A resume of the Similitudes of the Shepherd of Hermas Book (part 8)

The presumptuousness of some believers.

"1. The believers from the fifth mountain, which had green herbs and was rough,
are of this kind; they are faithful but slow to learn, presumptuous
and pleasers of their own selves; would be knowers of all things
when they know nothing at all.

2. Because of this their presumptuousness prudence hath forsaken them,
and senseless folly hath entered into them.
They commend themselves as having wisdom, and choose to be professing teachers
when they are without understanding.

3. Because of this highmindedness many were made vain who exalted themselves;
for a great demon is selfconceit and vain confidence.
Many of these therefore were cast away; but some repented and believed
and submitted themselves to those who had understanding, having come to know
their own folly.
4. And to the residue also of this sort repentance is offered;
for they were not wicked, but rather foolish and without understanding.
These if they repent shall live unto God; ..."
(Shepherd of Hermas 9th Sim. 22.1-4)

Repent and quit slandering.

"...And the rest shall repent when they hear my commandments,
for their evil speakings are of small account and they will quickly repent.
3. But they with the great clefts aie men who persevere in their slanders,
and grow resentful in their ragings against one another.
These were flung away from the tower and disallowed for the building thereof.
Hardly therefore shall such like live."
(Shepherd of Hermas 9th Sim. 23.1-3)

 "4. If God and our Lord, who hath the mastery of all things and beareth rule
over all His creation, remembereth not evil against those who confess their sins,
but is forgiving; shall man who is perishable and full of sins remember evil
against a man as though he could destroy or save him?
5. I, the Angel of Repentance, say unto you, as many as are of this persuasion,
put it away and repent, and the Lord shall heal your former sins
if ye purge yourselves from this devil;
else ye shall be delivered unto him for death. "
(Shepherd of Hermas 9th Sim. 23.4,5)

The perfect believers of God (from the seventh mountain)

"1. The believers from the seventh mountain, on which were green pleasant herbs,
and the whole mount was well liking, and every kind of cattle and the fowls
of heaven were feeding upon the herbs of that mountain,
and the herbs they fed upon grew the more thriving, are such as these.
2. They were always simple and guileless and happy,
having nothing against one another but always rejoicing over the servants of God;

they were endued with the Holy Spirit of these virgins,
and continually had compassion upon every man, and out of their labours
they furnished every man without upbraiding or doubting.
3. The Lord therefore, seeing their singleness and perfect childliness,
gave them increase in the labours of their hands and favoured them
in all their doing.

4. I, the Angel of Repentance, say unto you who are such like,
Remain such, and your seed shall never be blotted out.
For the Lord hath proved you and written you in our number,
and all your seed shall dwell with the Son of God;
for ye have received of His Spirit." (Shepherd of Hermas 9th Sim. 24. 1-5)

Apostles and teachers, the believers from the eighth mountain.

"1. The believers from the eighth mountain, where were the many springs,
and the whole creation of the Lord was watered from the springs, are such as these.
2. Apostles and teachers who preached to the whole world,
and taught the word of the Lord reverently and purely, and kept not back anything
for evil desire, but always walked in righteousness and truth,
even as they had received the Holy Ghost.
The passing of such as these is with the angels." (Shepherd of Hermas 9th Sim. 25. 1-2)

The believers from the ninth mountain

"1. The believers from the ninth mountain, which was desert
and had in it the creeping things and beasts hurtful to men, are of this kind. "
(Shepherd of Hermas 9th Sim. 26.1)

The spoted ones:

"2. They with the spots are deacons who ministered amiss,
and plundered the living of widows and orphans,
and gat gain for themselves from the ministry which they had received to administer.
If therefore they continue in the same covetousness,
they are dead and have no hope of life; but if they convert and discharge
their ministry incorruptly, they shall be able to live. "
(Shepherd of Hermas 9th Sim. 26.2)

The scabbed ones:

"3. The scabbed ones are those who denied and turned not again unto their Lord;
but being grown barren and desert, not cleaving to the servants of God
but keeping alone, they destroy their own souls.

4. For as a vine left alone within a fence and treated with neglect is spoiled
and wasted by the weeds, and in time groweth wild and is no longer meet
for its master's use; so such men despair of themselves, and having grown wild
become unprofitable to their Lord.
5. For these however there is repentance, unless they be found to have denied
from the heart; but if one be found to have denied from his heart I know not
if he can live.
6. This I say not for these days, that a man after denying should be allowed
repentance, for it is impossible that one who is now going to deny his Lord
should be saved; but for those who denied long ago there seemeth yet
to be opportunity of repentance.
If then any one is about to repent, let him be quick
before the tower is finished off;
else he shall be wasted by the women unto death. "
(Shepherd of Hermas 9th Sim. 26.3-6)

The stunted ones:

"7. The stunted ones, these are wily men and slanderers;
and the beasts which thou sawest on the mountain are these also.
For as the beasts poison and destroy a man by their venom,
even so do the words of such persons corrupt and destroy a man.
8. These therefore are maimed in their faith by reason of the customs
which they practise; but some repented and were saved.
And the rest who are such may be saved if they repent; but if they repent not,
they shall die by the hand of those women, of whose power they are possessed."
(Shepherd of Hermas 9th Sim. 26.7,8)

11th Mountain - Sufferers for the sake of the name of the Son of God

1. The believers from the eleventh mountain, whereon were very fruitful trees
decked with different kinds of fruits, are such as these. 
2. Sufferers for the sake of the name of the Son of God,
who suffered readily with their whole heart and gave up their lives. ...
4. As many, quoth he, as were brought before authorities and questioned
and denied not, but suffered with a ready mind, these are in greater honour
with the Lord; and theirs is the fruit which excelleth.
(Shepherd of Hermas 9th Sim. 28.1-4)

...Ye who suffer for the sake of the name ought to glorify God,
for that He hath counted you worthy to bear this name,
and to have all your sins healed.
6. Therefore count yourselves happy; yea, and think that one of you
hath done some great thing if he suffer for God's sake.
The Lord graciously giveth you life though ye perceive it not;
for your sins were heavy upon you, and except ye had suffered for the name
of the Lord ye would have died unto God because of your sins.  
(Shepherd of Hermas 9th Sim. 28.5,6)

12th Mountain - as infant babes in whose heart no thought of evil ariseth.

"1. The believers from the twelfth, which was the white mountain, are of this kind;
they are as infant babes in whose heart no thought of evil ariseth.
They know not what wickedness is, but always continued in their infancy.
2. Such therefore dwell without doubt in the kingdom of God;
because in no manner of thing did they violate the commandments of God,
but they continued as it were infants all the days of their life, in the same mind."
(Shepherd of Hermas 9th Sim 29.1,2)

"...The stones taken from the plain, which were put into the building of the tower
instead of the rejected ones, are the roots of this white mountain.
2. Seeing then that the believers from this mountain were all found void of offence,
the lord of the tower ordered these stones from the roots of this mountain
to be cast into the building of the tower; for he knew that, if these went
into the building of the tower, they would remain bright,
and none of them would turn black. "
(Shepherd of Hermas 9th Sim 30.1,2)

"3. I, the Angel of Repentance, judge you all happy, as many as are blameless
as infants, for that your estate is good and honourable with God. "
(Shepherd of Hermas 9th Sim 31.3)  

Amend you therefore while the tower is yet being built.

"1. Amend you therefore while the tower is yet being built.
2. The Lord dwelleth in men who love peace, for peace is dear unto Him;
but He is far off from the contentious and malicious.
Give your spirit back to Him therefore whole as ye received it." 
(Shepherd of Hermas 9th Sim 32.1,2)

"...what thinkest thou the Lord will do to thee,
when He gave thee a perfect spirit and thou hast made it quite useless,
so that it can be made no use of by its owner?
For the use thereof began to be of no account when it had been damaged by thee.
Will not then the Lord of that spirit destroy thee because of this thy deed?
5. Assuredly, said I, He will so do to all whom He shall have found continuing
mindful of offences. Choose not, quoth he, to trample His mercy under foot;
but rather glorify Him because He is so patient toward your misdeeds,
and is not as ye are.
Repent therefore, as is expedient for you."  
(Shepherd of Hermas 9th Sim 32.4,5)

Repent with your whole heart and have your sins blotted out.

"1. ALL the things before written I, the Shepherd, the Angel of Repentance,
have declared and spoken with the servants of God.
If then ye believe and attend to my words and walk in them and amend your ways,
ye shall be able to live.
But if ye continue in malice and resentfulness, none such shall live unto God."   
(Shepherd of Hermas 9th Sim 33.1) 

"...These are they who have now heard my commandments and repented with their
whole hearts. And when the Lord saw that their repentance was good and pure,
and that they were able to continue in it, He commanded their former sins
to be blotted out. For these prints were their sins; and they were made even,
that they might not appear."  (Shepherd of Hermas 9th Sim 33.3)

Tuesday, May 19, 2015

A resume of the Similitudes of the Shepherd of Hermas Book (part 7)

A resume of the Similitudes of the Shepherd of Hermas Book (part 7)

The Ninth Similitude

The Ninth similitude is about a tower that is been bult by virgings that are over a big anciente rock.
Some men bring the stones passing through a new stone gate and delivering the stones to the virgins. The virgins set the stones in place in the tower.

The rock and the gate are the Son of God

"1. FIRST of all, sir, quoth I, declare this unto me;
what are the rock and the gate? This rock, quoth he, and likewise the gate,
is the Son of God. How then, sir, quoth I, is the rock ancient, but the gate new?
Hearken, quoth he, foolish man, and understand. "
(Shepherd of Hermas 9th Sim. 12.1)

The Son of God is ancient, but recently manifested.

"2. The Son of God is elder than all His creation,
so that He became His Father's counsellor concerning His creation;
therefore He is ancient But the gate, sir, quoth I, why is that new?
3. Because, quoth he, He was manifested in the last days of the consummation.
For this cause the gate was new, that such as should be saved might
enter through it into the kingdom of God. " (Shepherd of Hermas 9th Sim. 12.2,3)

There is only one gate (way) to salvation, and it is through the Son of God

"4. Sawest thou, quoth he, that the stones which came in through the gate
went into the building of the tower, whereas those which came not in through it
were cast forth again into their own place?
I saw, sir, quoth I. Even so, quoth he, none shall enter into the kingdom of God
except He receive the name of His Son.
5. For if thou desire to enter into a city, and that city be walled about
and have but one gate, canst thou enter into that city except by the gate
which it hath?
Nay, sir, for how else were it possible?
If then thou canst not enter into that city except by the gate thereof, so,
quoth he, a man can enter none otherwise into the kingdom of God than through
the name of His Son who is beloved by Him. "
(Shepherd of Hermas 9th Sim. 12.4,5)              

"6. Sawest thou, quoth he, the multitude building the tower?
I saw them, sir, quoth I.
They all, quoth he, are glorious angels, and by them the Lord is walled about.
The gate is the Son of God; He is the one entry unto the Lord.
None otherwise shall any one enter unto Him than through His Son."
(Shepherd of Hermas 9th Sim. 12.6)

The tidings of affliction.

One thing I particularly struggle in my life at the moment is to keep the faith and good mood during afflictions and also to not get overwhelmed for the tiding of affliction. A few year ago I decided to stop watching the news on TV or reading the news of the newspapers. This is helping me on this issue, but still is very difficult when I meet people and they complain about the government or the weather. I try to quickly change the topic of the conversation and to avoid fomenting the complains. Sometimes I fail and catch myself complaining too.
Another case that I struggle is when I notice that I´m making less money than I spend in my domestic life. It´s tougth to keep a good mood and to not feel some hurt in the faith. I hope I can pass this probation and be not afflicted by the tidings of affliction that cames in my life.

"3. Even as their plants when they saw the sun withered, so also the doubleminded,
when they hear tidings of affliction
, by reason of their fearfulness turn idolaters
and are ashamed of the name of their Lord.
4. Such men neither live nor are dead. Yet these too if they repent quickly may live;
but if they repent not, they are already given over to the women (figurative evel angel)
who rob them of their life."
(Shepherd of Hermas 9th Sim. 17.3,4)